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Adler Araujo Ribeiro Melo
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2022-2022
Publications (10 Years): 1
Top Topics
Machine Learning
Artificial Intelligence
Health Promotion
Coronavirus Disease
Top Venues
JMIR formative research
This page only lists publications with an associated author ORCID identifier.
Kaio Jia Bin
Adler Araujo Ribeiro Melo
José Guilherme Moraes Franco da Rocha
Renata Pivi de Almeida
Vilson Cobello Junior
Fernando Liebhart Maia
Elizabeth de Faria
Antônio José Rodrigues Pereira
Linamara Rizzo Batisttella
Suzane Kioko Ono
The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Waiting Time for Medical Care in an Urgent Care Service for COVID-19: Single-Center Prospective Study.
JMIR formative research
6 (2) (2022)