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Alexander D Fellows
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2019-2024
Publications (10 Years): 5
Top Topics
Multidrug Resistant
Optic Nerve
Atomic Force Microscopy
Living Cells
Top Venues
The Journal of cell biology
Nature reviews. Neurology
This page only lists publications with an associated author ORCID identifier.
Alexander D Fellows
Michaela Bruntraeger
Thomas Burgold
Andrew R Bassett
Andrew P Carter
Dynein and dynactin move long-range but are delivered separately to the axon tip.
The Journal of cell biology
223 (5) (2024)
Alexander D Fellows
Michaela Bruntraeger
Thomas Burgold
Andrew R Bassett
Andrew P Carter
Dynein and dynactin move long-range but are delivered separately to the axon tip.
The Journal of cell biology
223 (5) (2024)
Alexander D Fellows
Michaela Bruntraeger
Thomas Burgold
Andrew R Bassett
Andrew P Carter
Dynein and dynactin move long-range but are delivered separately to the axon tip.
The Journal of cell biology
223 (5) (2024)
Alexander D Fellows
Michaela Bruntraeger
Thomas Burgold
Andrew R Bassett
Andrew P Carter
Dynein and dynactin move long-range but are delivered separately to the axon tip.
The Journal of cell biology
223 (5) (2024)
James N Sleigh
Alexander Martin Rossor
Alexander D Fellows
Andrew P Tosolini
Giampietro Schiavo
Axonal transport and neurological disease.
Nature reviews. Neurology
15 (12) (2019)