Alexis Maillard
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2021-2024
Publications (10 Years): 14
Publications (10 Years): 14
- Tristan Delory, Alexis Maillard, Florence Tubach, Pierre-Yves Boëlle, Elisabeth Bouvet, Sylvie Lariven, Pauline Jeanmougin, Josselin Le Bel
- Tristan Delory, Alexis Maillard, Florence Tubach, Pierre-Yves Boëlle, Elisabeth Bouvet, Sylvie Lariven, Pauline Jeanmougin, Josselin Le Bel
- Tristan Delory, Alexis Maillard, Florence Tubach, Pierre-Yves Boëlle, Elisabeth Bouvet, Sylvie Lariven, Pauline Jeanmougin, Josselin Le Bel
- Alexis Maillard, Laurent Dortet, Tristan Delory, Matthieu Lafaurie, Alexandre Bleibtreu, null null
- Alexis Maillard, Léo Froelicher Bournaud, Jean Pastre, Benjamin Planquette, Perrine Parize, Fanny Lanternier, Camille Rasmussen, Camille Chenevier-Gobeaux, Cherifa Cheurfa, Sihem Benaboud, Caroline Charlier, Etienne CanouiPenetration of isavuconazole into the epithelial lining fluid of patients with pulmonary fungal infections. Comment on: 'Pharmacokinetics of isavuconazole at different target sites in healthy volunteers after single and multiple intravenous infusions'. The Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy (2024)
- Alexis Maillard, Léo Froelicher Bournaud, Jean Pastre, Benjamin Planquette, Perrine Parize, Fanny Lanternier, Camille Rasmussen, Camille Chenevier-Gobeaux, Cherifa Cheurfa, Sihem Benaboud, Caroline Charlier, Etienne CanouiPenetration of isavuconazole into the epithelial lining fluid of patients with pulmonary fungal infections. Comment on: 'Pharmacokinetics of isavuconazole at different target sites in healthy volunteers after single and multiple intravenous infusions'. The Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy 79 (9) (2024)
- Alexis Maillard, Laurent Dortet, Tristan Delory, Matthieu Lafaurie, Alexandre Bleibtreu, null null
- Alexis Maillard, Giulia Micheli, Leila Lefevre, Céline Guyonnet, Claire Poyart, Etienne Canouï, Martin Belan, Caroline Charlier
- Adrien Contejean, Alexis Maillard, Etienne Canoui, Solen Kernéis, Bruno Fantin, Didier Bouscary, Perrine Parize, Carolina Garcia-Vidal, Caroline Charlier
- Emilie Piet, Alexis Maillard, Franck Olivier Mallaval, Jean Yves Dusseau, Murielle Galas-Haddad, Sébastien Ducki, Hélène Creton, Marc Lallemant, Emmanuel Forestier, Gaëtan Gavazzi, Tristan Delory
- Alexis Maillard, Rabah Redjoul, Marion Klemencie, Helene Labussiere-Wallet, Amandine Le Bourgeois, Maud D'Aveni, Anne Huynh, Ana Berceanu, Tony Marchand, Sylvain P Chantepie, Carmen Botella-Garcia, Michael Loschi, Magalie Joris, Cristina Castilla-Llorente, Anne Thiebaut-Bertand, Sylvie Sf Francois, Mathieu Leclerc, Patrice Chevallier, Stephanie Nguyen
- Cécile Janssen, Alexis Maillard, Céline Bodelet, Anne-Laure Claudel, Jacques Gaillat, Tristan Delory, null On Behalf Of The Acv Alpin Study Group
- Virginie Vitrat, Alexis Maillard, Alain Raybaud, Chloé Wackenheim, Bruno Chanzy, Sophie Nguyen, Amélie Valran, Alexie Bosch, Marion Noret, Tristan Delory
- Alexis Maillard, Yara Wakim, Oula Itani, Fateh Ousser, Alexandre Bleibtreu, Eric Caumes, Gentiane Monsel