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Amalie Martinus Hauge
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2021-2023
Publications (10 Years): 7
Top Topics
Smoking Cessation
Gene Therapy
Health Insurance
Case Control
Top Venues
Sociology of health & illness
Social studies of science
This page only lists publications with an associated author ORCID identifier.
Sarah Wadmann
Amalie Martinus Hauge
Laura Emdal Navne
Good conduct in a context of rationing: A case study of how frontline professionals deal with distributive dilemmas of novel gene therapies.
Sociology of health & illness
45 (3) (2023)
Amalie Martinus Hauge
Regulating diagnosis-Molecular and regulatory sub-stratifications of lung cancer treatment.
Sociology of health & illness
Sarah Wadmann
Amalie Martinus Hauge
Laura Emdal Navne
Good conduct in a context of rationing: A case study of how frontline professionals deal with distributive dilemmas of novel gene therapies.
Sociology of health & illness
Sarah Wadmann
Amalie Martinus Hauge
Laura Emdal Navne
Good conduct in a context of rationing: A case study of how frontline professionals deal with distributive dilemmas of novel gene therapies.
Sociology of health & illness
45 (3) (2023)
Sarah Wadmann
Amalie Martinus Hauge
Laura Emdal Navne
Good conduct in a context of rationing: A case study of how frontline professionals deal with distributive dilemmas of novel gene therapies.
Sociology of health & illness
45 (3) (2023)
Amalie Martinus Hauge
Eva Iris Otto
Sarah Wadmann
The sociology of rationing: Towards increased interdisciplinary dialogue - A critical interpretive literature review.
Sociology of health & illness
44 (8) (2022)
Sarah Wadmann
Amalie Martinus Hauge
Strategies of stratification: Regulating market access in the era of personalized medicine.
Social studies of science
51 (4) (2021)