Publication Activity (10 Years)
Publications (10 Years): 3
University of Coimbra
University of Coimbra (PHD)
Research fellow (Effects of exotic tree species on stream communities and processes: the case of invasion of native forests by Acacia spp. – EXSTREAM project (Reference: IF/00129/2014)) :: MARE-UC - Marine and Environmental Sciences Centre
Research fellow (Ecological experimentation in island ecosystems: vegetal litter processing in streams - PROSTREAM project (EXPL/AAG-GLO/0189/2013)) :: IMAR-CMA – Marine and Environmental Research Centre
Research fellow (Development of molecular tools for assessing fungal diversity and activity in freshwaters - FunDiver project (PTDC/AAC-AMB/113746/2009)) :: Centre of Molecular and Environmental Biology (CBMA)
Biologist (Assessing the ecological quality of rivers and streams from the North of Portugal, according to the Water Framework Directive. Contractual entity: ARH-Norte ( :: Centre of Molecular and Environmental Biology (CBMA)
PHD :: Department of Life Sciences of the Faculty of Sciences and Technology
MSC :: School of Sciences
- Ana Pereira, Albano Figueiredo, Verónica Ferreira
- Ana Pereira, Verónica Ferreira