Publication Activity (10 Years)
Publications (10 Years): 9
University of Bristol
United Kingdom
Honorary Research Fellow :: School of Clinical Sciences
United Kingdom
Professor of Applied Neurophysiology :: University of Exeter School of Medicine
United Kingdom
Professor of Applied Neurophysiology :: School of Physiology, Pharmacology & Neuroscience
United Kingdom
Director :: Applied Neurophysiology Group
United Kingdom
Director of Neurophysiology :: Neurology and Gastrointestinal Centre for Excellence in Drug Discovery
United Kingdom
Department Director :: Neurology and Gastrointestinal Centre for Excellence in Drug Discovery
United Kingdom
Assistant Director :: Neuroimaging Research
United Kingdom
Staff Scientist (Principal Investigator/Group Neurobiology Division Leader) MRC :: Laboratory of Molecular Biology
United States
Lucille P. Markey Visiting Fellow (Prof Richard Tsien's group) :: Department of Molecular and Cellular Physiology
United Kingdom
Post Doctoral Research Associate (Prof G. Collingridge's group) :: Department of Pharmacology
- Thomas Ridler, Jonathan Witton, Keith G Phillips, Andrew D Randall, Jonathan T Brown
- Thomas Ridler, Jonathan Witton, Keith G Phillips, Andrew D Randall, Jonathan T Brown
- Thomas Ridler, Jonathan Witton, Keith G Phillips, Andrew D Randall, Jonathan T Brown
- Thomas Ridler, Jonathan Witton, Keith G Phillips, Andrew D Randall, Jonathan T Brown
- Petros Stathakos, Natalia Jiménez-Moreno, Lucy A Crompton, Paul A Nistor, Jennifer L Badger, Peter Antony Barbuti, Talitha L Kerrigan, Andrew D Randall, Maeve A Caldwell, Jon D Lane
- Sarah E Scullion, Gareth R I Barker, E Clea Warburton, Andrew D Randall, Jonathan T Brown
- Thomas Ridler, Peter Matthews, Keith G Phillips, Andrew D Randall, Jonathan T Brown
- Darren A Walsh, Jonathan T Brown, Andrew D Randall
- Yasmina Manso, Philip R Holland, Akihiro Kitamura, Stefan Szymkowiak, Jessica Duncombe, Edel Hennessy, James L Searcy, Martina Marangoni, Andrew D Randall, Jon T Brown, Barry W McColl, Karen Horsburgh