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Andrey B Shatrov
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2017-2023
Publications (10 Years): 5
Top Topics
Drosophila Melanogaster
Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation
Cell Surface
Aedes Aegypti
Top Venues
Experimental & applied acarology
Journal of morphology
This page only lists publications with an associated author ORCID identifier.
Andrey B Shatrov
Elena V Soldatenko
Konstantin A Benken
Anatoly A Petrov
The structural analysis of secretion in the freshwater mite Limnesia maculata (Acariformes, Limnesiidae) supports the idea of a new form of arthropod silk.
Experimental & applied acarology
Andrey B Shatrov
Elena V Soldatenko
Organization of dermal glands and characteristic of secretion in the freshwater mite, Limnesia maculata (O. F. Müller, 1776) (Acariformes, Limnesiidae).
Journal of morphology
283 (3) (2022)
Magdalena Felska
Joanna Mąkol
Andrey B Shatrov
Stylostome formation by parasitic larvae of Allothrombium fuliginosum (Trombidiformes: Trombidiidae): morphology of feeding tubes and factors affecting their size.
Experimental & applied acarology
82 (3) (2020)
Andrey B Shatrov
Magdalena Felska
Comparative stylostome ultrastructure of Hirsutiella zachvatkini (Trombiculidae) and Trombidium holosericeum (Trombidiidae) larvae.
Experimental & applied acarology
72 (4) (2017)
Andrey B Shatrov
Comparative ultrastructure of coxal glands in unfed larvae of Leptotrombidium orientale (Schluger, 1948) (Trombiculidae) and Hydryphantes ruber (de Geer, 1778) (Hydryphantidae).
Journal of morphology
278 (11) (2017)