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Ankebé Kruger
(Ankebe Kruger, A Kruger)
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2021-2023
Publications (10 Years): 3
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Coronavirus Disease
Top Venues
Journal of human kinetics
International journal of environmental research and public health
Research quarterly for exercise and sport
This page only lists publications with an associated author ORCID identifier.
Julius Jooste
Ankebé Kruger
Nicola Tinkler
The Influence of Emotional Intelligence on Coping Ability in Senior Female Field-Hockey Players in South Africa.
Journal of human kinetics
87 (2023)
Julius Jooste
S Wolfson
Ankebé Kruger
Irrational Performance Beliefs and Mental Well-Being Upon Returning to Sport During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Test of Mediation by Intolerance of Uncertainty.
Research quarterly for exercise and sport
Barry Gerber
Anita Elizabeth Pienaar
Ankebé Kruger
Influences of Differing Menarche Status on Motor Capabilities of Girls, 13 To 16 Years: A Two-Year Follow-Up Study.
International journal of environmental research and public health
18 (11) (2021)