Publication Activity (10 Years)
Publications (10 Years): 1
Top Venues
UNESCO - IFIP (International Federation for Information Processing)
University of Sunderland Faculty of Arts, Design and Media (PHD)
Danish volunteer representative for WG14.7 "Art and Entertainment"; WG14.8 "Serious Games"; WG 14.9 "Game Accessibility" :: Technical Committee on "Entertainment Computing"
Expert reviewer :: Various calls
Associate Professor / Study Board member / Section Leader / Coordinator / Lecturer / Director-Founder of SensoramaLab research Complex :: Media Technology CREATE
Presenccia Project Panel Assessor - an Integrated Project funded under the European Sixth Framework Program, Future and Emerging Technologies (FET), Contract Number 27731.
Rapporteur - review session co-chair :: Gaming and Gamification Technologies call
United Kingdom
PHD :: Faculty of Arts, Design and Media