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Austin M Lynn
(Austin Lynn)
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2020-2024
Publications (10 Years): 5
Top Topics
Heat Stress
Climate Change
Microbial Community
Genome Wide
Top Venues
Plants (Basel, Switzerland)
The New phytologist
American journal of botany
This page only lists publications with an associated author ORCID identifier.
Austin M Lynn
Tracy Elsey-Quirk
Salt Water Exposure Exacerbates the Negative Response of Phragmites australis Haplotypes to Sea-Level Rise.
Plants (Basel, Switzerland)
13 (6) (2024)
Austin M Lynn
Tracy Elsey-Quirk
Salt Water Exposure Exacerbates the Negative Response of Phragmites australis Haplotypes to Sea-Level Rise.
Plants (Basel, Switzerland)
13 (6) (2024)
Austin M Lynn
Tracy Elsey-Quirk
Salt Water Exposure Exacerbates the Negative Response of Phragmites australis Haplotypes to Sea-Level Rise.
Plants (Basel, Switzerland)
13 (6) (2024)
Austin M Lynn
Lauren L Sullivan
Candace Galen
The cost of self-promotion: ecological and demographic implications of the mentor effect in natural plant populations.
The New phytologist
Austin M Lynn
Emelyn Piotter
Ellie Harrison
Candace Galen
Sexual and natural selection on pollen morphology in Taraxacum.
American journal of botany
107 (2) (2020)