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Bryan A Comstock
(Bryan Comstock)
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2017-2017
Publications (10 Years): 2
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Peritoneal Dialysis
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Journal of medical Internet research
JMIR research protocols
This page only lists publications with an associated author ORCID identifier.
Matthew A Bartek
Anjali R Truitt
Sierra Widmer-Rodriguez
Jordan E Tuia
Zoya A Bauer
Bryan A Comstock
Todd C Edwards
Sarah O Lawrence
Sarah E Monsell
Donald L Patrick
Jeffrey G Jarvik
Danielle C Lavallee
The Promise and Pitfalls of Using Crowdsourcing in Research Prioritization for Back Pain: Cross-Sectional Surveys.
Journal of medical Internet research
19 (10) (2017)
Danielle C Lavallee
Bryan A Comstock
Mary R Scott
Andrew L Avins
David R Nerenz
Todd C Edwards
Donald L Patrick
Sarah O Lawrence
Zoya A Bauer
Anjali R Truitt
Jeffrey G Jarvik
Study of Methods for Assessing Research Topic Elicitation and pRioritization (SMARTER): Study Protocol to Compare Qualitative Research Methods and Advance Patient Engagement in Research.
JMIR research protocols
6 (9) (2017)