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Cansu Kuey
(Cansu Küey)
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2019-2022
Publications (10 Years): 3
Top Topics
Molecularly Imprinted
Crispr Cas
Cystic Fibrosis
Cell Migration
Top Venues
The Journal of cell biology
Journal of cell science
This page only lists publications with an associated author ORCID identifier.
Cansu Kuey
Méghane Sittewelle
Gabrielle Larocque
Miguel Hernandez-Gonzalez
Stephen J Royle
Recruitment of clathrin to intracellular membranes is sufficient for vesicle formation.
11 (2022)
Gabrielle Larocque
Daniel J Moore
Méghane Sittewelle
Cansu Kuey
Joseph H R Hetmanski
Penelope J La-Borde
Beverley J Wilson
Nicholas I Clarke
Patrick T Caswell
Stephen J Royle
Intracellular nanovesicles mediate α5β1 integrin trafficking during cell migration.
The Journal of cell biology
220 (10) (2021)
Cansu Kuey
Gabrielle Larocque
Nicholas I Clarke
Stephen J Royle
Unintended perturbation of protein function using GFP nanobodies in human cells.
Journal of cell science
132 (21) (2019)