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Celine Latulipe
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2016-2018
Publications (10 Years): 3
Top Topics
Chronic Pain
Hiv Infected
Palliative Care
South Africa
Top Venues
Journal of medical Internet research
JMIR medical informatics
This page only lists publications with an associated author ORCID identifier.
Celine Latulipe
Sara A Quandt
Kathryn Altizer Melius
Alain G Bertoni
David P Miller
Douglas Smith
Thomas A Arcury
Insights Into Older Adult Patient Concerns Around the Caregiver Proxy Portal Use: Qualitative Interview Study.
Journal of medical Internet research
20 (11) (2018)
Thomas A Arcury
Sara A Quandt
Joanne C Sandberg
David P Miller
Celine Latulipe
Xiaoyan Leng
Jenifer W Talton
Kathryn Altizer Melius
Douglas Smith
Alain G Bertoni
Patient Portal Utilization Among Ethnically Diverse Low Income Older Adults: Observational Study.
JMIR medical informatics
5 (4) (2017)
David P Miller
Celine Latulipe
Kathryn Altizer Melius
Sara A Quandt
Thomas A Arcury
Primary Care Providers' Views of Patient Portals: Interview Study of Perceived Benefits and Consequences.
Journal of medical Internet research
18 (1) (2016)