Publication Activity (10 Years)
Publications (10 Years): 3
University of Chieti-Pescara “G. d’Annunzio”
University of the Salento (PHD)
Postdoctoral fellow - Activities foreseen by the research program “Nanotoxicological aspects and potential applications of therapeutic nanosystems for anticancer drugs delivery” :: Department of Pharmacy
Participation, junior team member, in the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) funded project, reopening competition RC/EFSA/SCER/2016/01 with title “Nanotechnology in agri/food/feed products”, as responsible for the main operative tasks of the project and expert in nanomaterials with focus on oral exposure and effects assessment on human health :: Department of Biological and Environmental Science and Technology, Di.S.Te.B.A.
Term contract - Research activity supporter for the needs of the Laboratory of Comparative Anatomy, Cytology and Histology, on the mechanisms involved in the process of cell death induced by abiotic stresses (static magnetic field); preparation of protein samples from cell lysate of lymphocytes isolated from human buffy coat; preparation of Western blotting and immunolabeling experiments from previous protein samples; statistical processing of the data obtained. :: Dep. of Biological and Environmental Science and Technology (Di.S.Te.B.A.)
Term contract - Consultancy for the planning of the research project “Green nanotechnologies for sustainable plant protection (NEMESI)” - National Research Program (PNR) 2015-2020 (Decree of Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and Research (MIUR) 13/07/2017, n. 1735)
Term contract - Technical supporter in the frame of the Master of 1st level “Data Manager in Oncology: expert in the design and management of a clinical trial”. :: Dep. of Biological and Environmental Science and Technology (Di.S.Te.B.A.)
Term contract - Worker at the University of the Salento as tutor for the matter “Cytology and Histology” of the Degree course in Biological Sciences. :: Dep. of Biological and Environmental Science and Technology (Di.S.Te.B.A.)
Term contract - Teaching activities [i) “Technologies of advanced diagnostics: analyses applied to haematological malignancies” (6 hours, Module IV: Statistics and advanced diagnostic technologies, scientific-disciplinary sector: BIO/06 - Comparative Anatomy and Cytology); ii) “Epidemiological research” (8 hours, Module V: Data collection, Scientific-disciplinary sectors: MED/01 - Medical Statistics, MED/06 - Medical oncology, BIO/06 - Comparative Anatomy and Cytology)] for the Master of 1st level “Data Manager in Oncology: expert in the design and management of a clinical trial” established at the Di.S.Te.B.A., conferred by the Decree of the Director of Di.S.Te.B.A. (Prof. Luigi De Bellis) n. 62 of 26/03/2014. :: Dep. of Biological and Environmental Science and Technology (Di.S.Te.B.A.)
Unpaid assignment - Teaching activities, tutorials about microscopic observation of biological specimens held on behalf of the professors of cytology and histology Luciana Dini and Gian Maria Fimia at the University of the Salento. Scientific sector: BIO/06 - Comparative Anatomy and Cytology. :: Dep. of Biological and Environmental Science and Technology (Di.S.Te.B.A.)
- Cristian Vergallo, Elisa Panzarini, Bernardetta Anna Tenuzzo, Stefania Mariano, Ada Maria Tata, Luciana Dini
- Cristian Vergallo