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David J Nesbitt
(D J Nesbitt)
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2018-2024
Publications (10 Years): 5
Top Topics
Density Functional Theory
Energy Transfer
Molecular Dynamics
Top Venues
Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP
This page only lists publications with an associated author ORCID identifier.
Ya-Chu Chan
David J Nesbitt
High-resolution infrared spectroscopy of jet cooled cyclobutyl in the α-CH stretch region: large-amplitude puckering dynamics in a 4-membered ring radical.
Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP
Ya-Chu Chan
David J Nesbitt
High-resolution infrared spectroscopy of jet cooled cyclobutyl in the α-CH stretch region: large-amplitude puckering dynamics in a 4-membered ring radical.
Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP
26 (4) (2024)
Hsuan-Lei Sung
David J Nesbitt
Single-molecule kinetic studies of DNA hybridization under extreme pressures.
Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP
22 (41) (2020)
Hsuan-Lei Sung
David J Nesbitt
High pressure single-molecule FRET studies of the lysine riboswitch: cationic and osmolytic effects on pressure induced denaturation.
Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP
22 (28) (2020)
Andrew Kortyna
A J Samin
Terry A Miller
David J Nesbitt
Sub-Doppler infrared spectroscopy of resonance-stabilized hydrocarbon intermediates: ν3/ν4 CH stretch modes and CH2 internal rotor dynamics of benzyl radical.
Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP
19 (44) (2018)