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David M Kass
(D Kass, D M Kass)
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2020-2022
Publications (10 Years): 4
Top Topics
Health Risk
Machine Learning
Heat Stress
Heavy Metals
Top Venues
Journal of geophysical research. Planets
Geophysical research letters
This page only lists publications with an associated author ORCID identifier.
James A Holmes
Stephen R Lewis
Manish R Patel
Juan Alday
Shohei Aoki
Giuliano Liuzzi
Geronimo L Villanueva
Matteo M J Crismani
Anna A Fedorova
Kevin S Olsen
David M Kass
Ann Carine Vandaele
Oleg Korablev
Global Variations in Water Vapor and Saturation State Throughout the Mars Year 34 Dusty Season.
Journal of geophysical research. Planets
127 (10) (2022)
James A Holmes
Stephen R Lewis
Manish R Patel
Juan Alday
Shohei Aoki
Giuliano Liuzzi
Geronimo L Villanueva
Matteo M J Crismani
Anna A Fedorova
Kevin S Olsen
David M Kass
Ann Carine Vandaele
Oleg Korablev
Global Variations in Water Vapor and Saturation State Throughout the Mars Year 34 Dusty Season.
Journal of geophysical research. Planets
127 (10) (2022)
Paul M Streeter
Stephen R Lewis
Manish R Patel
James A Holmes
David M Kass
Surface Warming During the 2018/Mars Year 34 Global Dust Storm.
Geophysical research letters
47 (9) (2020)
Matthew P Golombek
David M Kass
Nathan Williams
Nicholas Warner
Ingrid J Daubar
Sylvain Piqueux
Constantinos Charalambous
William T Pike
Assessment of InSight Landing Site Predictions.
Journal of geophysical research. Planets
125 (8) (2020)