Publication Activity (10 Years)
Publications (10 Years): 8
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Ruhr-Universität Bochum (MSC)
Postdoc :: Analytical Chemistry - Center for Electrochemical Sciences (CES)
Analyst: IR spectroscopy of corrosion inhibitors and paraffins taken from gas and oil pipelines. Extraction and quantification of saturated compounds, aromatic compounds, resins and asphaltenes from oil samples. :: Analytical Chemistry
Research analyst: Social Service and bachelor thesis in the analytical chemistry research group. Extraction and characterization of natural products from medicinal plants by means of different chromatographic and spectrometric methods. Thesis: “Identification of the main components of the root of Wereque, extractible in aqueous media, by GC-MS”. :: Analytical Chemistry
Chemistry, Physics and Biology teacher for high school level.
Internship: Routine analysis of raw material and finished products (flavoring and fragrances), such as density, color, particle size, refractive index, pH, titration, etc. :: Quality Control
Internship: Reological analysis of oil samples and polymeric solutions. :: Oil Well Productivity
Internship: Formulation, weighing and application of flavorings. :: Research and Development
MSC :: Analytical Chemistry
BSC :: Escuela Superior de Ingenieria Quimica e Industrias Extractivas
- Floris van Lieshout, Dulce M Morales
- Javier Villalobos, Dulce M Morales, Denis Antipin, Götz Schuck, Ronny Golnak, Jie Xiao, Marcel Risch
- Stefan Barwe, Jonas Weidner, Steffen Cychy, Dulce M Morales, Stefan Dieckhöfer, Dennis Hiltrop, Justus Masa, Martin Muhler, Wolfgang Schuhmann