Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2020-2021
Publications (10 Years): 2
Publications (10 Years): 2
CSIRO Australian Centre for Disease Preparedness (ACDP)
The University of Melbourne (PHD)
Affiliation History
CSIRO Australian Centre for Disease Preparedness (ACDP)
Mar 14 2017
Research Scientist :: Health & Biosecurity, Probing Biosystems Future Science Platform
Education History
The University of Melbourne
- Jul 30 2016
PHD :: School of BioSciences
The University of Melbourne
- Dec 31 1998
BSC :: Institute of Land and Food Resources
- Glenn A Marsh, Alexander J McAuley, Sheree Brown, Elizabeth A Pharo, Sandra Crameri, Gough G Au, Michelle L Baker, Jennifer A Barr, Jemma Bergfeld, Matthew P Bruce, Kathie Burkett, Peter A Durr, Clare Holmes, Leonard Izzard, Rachel Layton, Suzanne Lowther, Matthew J Neave, Timothy Poole, Sarah-Jane Riddell, Brenton Rowe, Elisha Soldani, Vittoria Stevens, Willy W Suen, Vinod Sundaramoorthy, Mary Tachedjian, Shawn Todd, Lee Trinidad, Sinéad M Williams, Julian D Druce, Trevor W Drew, Seshadri S Vasan
- Elizabeth A Pharo, Sinéad M Williams, Victoria Boyd, Vinod Sundaramoorthy, Peter A Durr, Michelle L Baker