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Erica Tinson
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2022-2022
Publications (10 Years): 5
Top Topics
Oxide Nanoparticles
Aortic Dissection
Emergency Medical
Acute Kidney Injury
Top Venues
Journal of feline medicine and surgery
JFMS open reports
This page only lists publications with an associated author ORCID identifier.
Erica Tinson
Charles T Talbot
Karen Humm
Incidence of acute haemolysis in cats receiving canine packed red blood cells (xenotransfusions).
Journal of feline medicine and surgery
24 (12) (2022)
Erica Tinson
Charles T Talbot
Karen Humm
Incidence of acute haemolysis in cats receiving canine packed red blood cells (xenotransfusions).
Journal of feline medicine and surgery
24 (12) (2022)
Sarah Caulfield
Erica Tinson
Rachael Birkbeck
Successful treatment of local anaesthetic toxicity using intralipid 20% emulsion following intrathoracic bupivacaine overdose in a cat.
JFMS open reports
8 (1) (2022)
Erica Tinson
Charles T Talbot
Karen Humm
Incidence of acute haemolysis in cats receiving canine packed red blood cells (xenotransfusions).
Journal of feline medicine and surgery
24 (12) (2022)
Erica Tinson
Charles T Talbot
Karen Humm
Incidence of acute haemolysis in cats receiving canine packed red blood cells (xenotransfusions).
Journal of feline medicine and surgery
24 (12) (2022)