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Evgeniy V Denisov (E V Denisov, Evgeny V Denisov, Evgeny Denisov)

Scopus Author IDResearcherIDORCID

Publication Activity (10 Years)

Years Active: 2015-2024
Publications (10 Years): 26

Top Topics

Tomsk State University

Affiliation History
Tomsk State University


Senior Researcher/Molecular mechanism of action of regulatory proteins of type 2 macrophages on tumor microenvironment and tumor progression :: Laboratory of Translational Cell and Molecular Biomedicine

Cancer Research Institute, SB RAMS


Senior Researcher/Molecular genetic characterization of intratumor morphological heterogeneity in breast cancer :: Laboratory of Molecular Oncology and Immunology

Tomsk State University


Probationer-Researcher/Genodiagnostics and evolutionary cytogenetics of epidemic dangerous blood-sucking insects :: Institute of Biology and Biophysics

Cancer Research Institute, SB RAMS


Junior Research Assistant/TP53 and breast cancer risk and progression :: Department of Experimental Oncology

Institute of Chemical Biology and Fundamental Medicine


Probationer-Researcher/Identification of new TP53 mutations in breast cancer :: Group of Cell Biology

Cancer Research Institute, SB RAMS


Laboratory Technician :: Department of Experimental Oncology
