Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2018-2022
Publications (10 Years): 12
Publications (10 Years): 12
Southwest Research Institute
University of Bern (PHD)
Affiliation History
Southwest Research Institute
Feb 05 2003
United States
Staff Scientist :: Space Science and Engineering
Education History
University of Bern
PHD :: Physikalisches Institut
- Jamey R Szalay, H T Smith, Eric J Zirnstein, David J McComas, L J Begley, F Bagenal, Peter A Delamere, Rob J Wilson, Phil W Valek, Andrew R Poppe, Q Nénon, Frédéric Allegrini, Robert W Ebert, Scott J Bolton
- Ali H Sulaiman, Barry H Mauk, Jamey R Szalay, Frédéric Allegrini, George B Clark, G Randall Gladstone, Stavros Kotsiaros, William S Kurth, F Bagenal, Bertrand Bonfond, John E P Connerney, Robert W Ebert, S S Elliott, Daniel J Gershman, George B Hospodarsky, V Hue, R L Lysak, Adam Masters, Ondřej Santolík, J Saur, Scott J Bolton
- Zhonghua Yao, William R Dunn, Emma E Woodfield, George B Clark, Barry H Mauk, Robert W Ebert, Denis Grodent, Bertrand Bonfond, Dongxiao Pan, I Jonathan Rae, Binbin Ni, Ruilong Guo, Graziella Branduardi-Raymont, Affelia D Wibisono, Pedro Rodriguez, Stavros Kotsiaros, Jan-Uwe Ness, Frédéric Allegrini, William S Kurth, G Randall Gladstone, Ralph Kraft, Ali H Sulaiman, Harry Manners, Ravindra T Desai, Scott J Bolton
- S T Hart, Maher A Dayeh, D B Reisenfeld, P H Janzen, David J McComas, Frédéric Allegrini, Stephen A Fuselier, Keiichi Ogasawara, Jamey R Szalay, Herbert O Funsten, S M Petrinec
- Robert W Ebert, Thomas K Greathouse, George B Clark, Frédéric Allegrini, F Bagenal, S J Bolton, John E P Connerney, G Randall Gladstone, Masafumi Imai, V Hue, William S Kurth, Steven M Levin, Philippe Louarn, Barry H Mauk, David J McComas, Christopher Paranicas, Jamey R Szalay, Michelle F Thomsen, Phil W Valek, Rob J Wilson
- Robert C Allen, Christopher Paranicas, F Bagenal, Sarah K Vines, D C Hamilton, Frédéric Allegrini, George B Clark, Peter A Delamere, T K Kim, S M Krimigis, D G Mitchell, T H Smith, Rob J Wilson
- John E P Connerney, Alberto Adriani, Frédéric Allegrini, F Bagenal, Scott J Bolton, Bertrand Bonfond, Stanley W H Cowley, J-C Gerard, G Randall Gladstone, D Grodent, George B Hospodarsky, J L Joergensen, William S Kurth, Steven M Levin, Barry H Mauk, D J McComas, Alessandro Mura, Christopher Paranicas, E J Smith, R M Thorne, Phil W Valek, J Hunter Waite