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Fatma İnanç Tolun
(Fatma Inanc Tolun)
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2021-2021
Publications (10 Years): 2
Top Topics
Postoperative Pain
Peritoneal Dialysis
Ejection Fraction
Prognostic Factors
Top Venues
Pain research & management
Acta cirurgica brasileira
This page only lists publications with an associated author ORCID identifier.
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Fatma İnanç Tolun
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Oktay Irkorucu
The effect of Farnesoid X receptor agonist tropifexor on liver damage in rats with experimental obstructive jaundice.
Acta cirurgica brasileira
36 (9) (2021)
Yavuz Orak
Fatma İnanç Tolun
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Ahmet Altun
Effects of Propofol versus Sevoflurane on Postoperative Pain and Neuroendocrine Stress Response in Oocyte Pickup Patients.
Pain research & management
2021 (2021)