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Gabriela Muñoz
(G Muñoz)
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2018-2022
Publications (10 Years): 5
Top Topics
Drosophila Melanogaster
Genetic Diversity
Toxoplasma Gondii
Heat Stress
Top Venues
Acta parasitologica
Journal of helminthology
Parasitology research
This page only lists publications with an associated author ORCID identifier.
Gabriela Muñoz
Raúl Castro
Two New Parasitic Copepod Species, Clavella (Lernaeopodidae) and Haemobaphes (Pennellidae), on the Nototheniid Fish Patagonotothen cornucola (Richardson, 1844) from the Strait of Magellan, Southern Chile.
Acta parasitologica
67 (2) (2022)
Daria I Lebedeva
Gabriela Muñoz
Jaakko Lumme
New Salinity Tolerant Species of Gyrodactylus (Platyhelminthes, Monogenea) on Intertidal and Supratidal Fish Species from the Chilean Coast.
Acta parasitologica
66 (3) (2021)
Mauricio F Landaeta
Camilo Díaz-Richter
Gabriela Muñoz
Larval parasitic copepods affect early life history traits of a temperate clingfish.
Parasitology research
119 (12) (2020)
Gabriela Muñoz
F D Cartes
Endoparasitic diversity from the Southern Ocean: is it really low in Antarctic fish?
Journal of helminthology
94 (2020)
Gabriela Muñoz
M Rebolledo
Comparison of the parasite community of two notothens, Notothenia rossii and N. coriiceps (Pisces: Nototheniidae), from King George Island, Antarctica.
Journal of helminthology
93 (6) (2018)