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Geraldine Goh
(G X Goh)
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2020-2021
Publications (10 Years): 3
Top Topics
Nlrp Inflammasome
Human Health
Infectious Diseases
Hydrogen Peroxide
Top Venues
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
AJNR. American journal of neuroradiology
This page only lists publications with an associated author ORCID identifier.
Aaron Trent Irving
Matae Ahn
Geraldine Goh
Danielle E Anderson
Lin-Fa Wang
Lessons from the host defences of bats, a unique viral reservoir.
589 (7842) (2021)
Geraldine Goh
Kevin Tan
Brenda Sze Peng Ang
Lin-Fa Wang
Choie Cheio Tchoyoson Lim
Neuroimaging in Zoonotic Outbreaks Affecting the Central Nervous System: Are We Fighting the Last War?
AJNR. American journal of neuroradiology
41 (10) (2020)
Geraldine Goh
Matae Ahn
Feng Zhu
Lim Beng Lee
Dahai Luo
Aaron Trent Irving
Lin-Fa Wang
Complementary regulation of caspase-1 and IL-1β reveals additional mechanisms of dampened inflammation in bats.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
117 (46) (2020)