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Hazal Duyan Yüksel
(Hazal Duyan)
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2021-2024
Publications (10 Years): 9
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Prognostic Factors
Optical Coherence Tomography
Ejection Fraction
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Oral radiology
Surgical and radiologic anatomy : SRA
This page only lists publications with an associated author ORCID identifier.
Hazal Duyan Yüksel
Damla Soydan Çabuk
Aykağan Coşgunarslan
The evaluation of superior semicircular canal in patients with unilateral cleft lip and palate using CBCT.
Oral radiology
40 (2) (2024)
Tumani Ustdal Berkhas
Burcu Evlice
Damla Soydan Çabuk
Hazal Duyan Yüksel
İmran Güner Akgül
Bahar Alkaya
Gökçe Arçay
Evaluation of the thickness of masticatory muscles in patients with chronic periodontitis by ultrasonography.
Oral radiology
40 (3) (2024)
Tumani Ustdal Berkhas
Burcu Evlice
Damla Soydan Çabuk
Hazal Duyan Yüksel
İmran Güner Akgül
Bahar Alkaya
Gökçe Arçay
Correction: Evaluation of the thickness of masticatory muscles in patients with chronic periodontitis by ultrasonography.
Oral radiology
Tumani Ustdal Berkhas
Burcu Evlice
Damla Soydan Çabuk
Hazal Duyan Yüksel
İmran Güner Akgül
Bahar Alkaya
Gökçe Arçay
Evaluation of the thickness of masticatory muscles in patients with chronic periodontitis by ultrasonography.
Oral radiology
Hazal Duyan Yüksel
Damla Soydan Çabuk
Aykağan Coşgunarslan
The evaluation of superior semicircular canal in patients with unilateral cleft lip and palate using CBCT.
Oral radiology
Tumani Ustdal Berkhas
Burcu Evlice
Damla Soydan Çabuk
Hazal Duyan Yüksel
İmran Güner Akgül
Bahar Alkaya
Gökçe Arçay
Evaluatıon of the thıckness of mastıcatory muscles ın patıents wıth chronıc perıodontıtıs by ultrasonography.
Oral radiology
Tumani Ustdal Berkhas
Burcu Evlice
Damla Soydan Çabuk
Hazal Duyan Yüksel
İmran Güner Akgül
Bahar Alkaya
Gökçe Arçay
Evaluation of the thickness of masticatory muscles in patients with chronic periodontitis by ultrasonography.
Oral radiology
Hazal Duyan Yüksel
Damla Soydan Çabuk
Aykağan Coşgunarslan
The evaluation of superior semicircular canal in patients with unilateral cleft lip and palate using CBCT.
Oral radiology
40 (2) (2024)
Burcu Evlice
Damla Soydan Çabuk
Hazal Duyan Yüksel
The evaluation of superior semicircular canal bone thickness and radiological patterns in relation to age and gender.
Surgical and radiologic anatomy : SRA
43 (11) (2021)