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Helmut Schöllnberger

ResearcherIDScopus Author IDORCID

Publication Activity (10 Years)

Years Active: 2017-2022
Publications (10 Years): 4

Top Topics

Federal Office for Radiation Protection BfS

Technische Universität Wien (PHD)

Affiliation History
Federal Office for Radiation Protection BfS May 01 2017


Scientific referent :: Environmental Radioactivity UR

Helmholtz Zentrum München Oct 01 2009 - Apr 30 2017


Project leader, senior scientist :: Radiation Sciences

Universität Salzburg Sep 01 2004 - Oct 01 2009


Project leader :: Materialforschung und Physik

Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu (RIVM) Sep 01 2002 - Aug 31 2004


EU Marie Curie Individual Fellowship :: LSO

Universität Salzburg Apr 01 2001 - Aug 31 2002


Guest Professor :: Materialforschung und Physik

Lovelace Respiratory Research Institute (LRRI) Feb 01 1999 - Feb 28 2001

United States

Postdoctoral Research Fellow :: Inhalation Toxicology

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Jul 01 1997 - Jan 31 1999

United States

Postdoctoral Research Fellow :: School of Public Health

Education History
Technische Universität Wien Nov 01 1993 - Oct 01 1996


PHD :: Atominstitut of the Austrian Universities
