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Hong Phuong Nguyen (Phuong Nguyen)


Publication Activity (10 Years)

Years Active: 2020-2024
Publications (10 Years): 4

Top Topics

Stockholms Universitet

Kyung Hee University (PHD)

Affiliation History
Stockholms Universitet Apr 01 2017 - Apr 01 2019


Postdoc :: Molecular Biosciences, The Wenner-Gren Institute

Nanyang Technological University Sep 01 2016 - Jan 15 2017


Researcher :: Biological Science

Education History
Kyung Hee University Sep 01 2013 - Aug 17 2016

South Korea

PHD :: Graduate School of Biotechnology

Kyung Hee University Mar 01 2011 - Aug 21 2013

South Korea

MSC :: Plant Molecular Systems Biotechnology

Viet Nam National University Ho Chi Minh City Sep 01 2006 - Sep 14 2010


BSC :: Plant Biotechnology and Biotransformation
