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Jane A Evered
(Jane Evered)
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2020-2023
Publications (10 Years): 3
Top Topics
Pain Management
Men Who Have Sex With Men
Affordable Care Act
Peritoneal Dialysis
Top Venues
Qualitative health research
Chronic illness
This page only lists publications with an associated author ORCID identifier.
Jane A Evered
Alessandra LaJeunesse
Madison Wynn
Emily Mrig
Mark Schlesinger
Rachel Grob
Gaps in benefits, awareness, and comprehension that leave those with long COVID vulnerable.
Chronic illness
Jane A Evered
Lucy Andersen
Anessa M Foxwell
Christin Iroegbu
Clare Whitney
Clinician-Patient Relationships in Virtual Care: A Dimensional Analysis of the Symbolic World of Cancer Care.
Qualitative health research
Jane A Evered
Social Relationships in Nurses' Caring of Adolescents and Emerging Adults With Life-Limiting Illnesses or Injuries.
Qualitative health research
31 (3) (2020)