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Jay P Nair
Scopus Author ID
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2018-2019
Publications (10 Years): 2
Top Topics
Water Quality
Finite Element Analysis
Community Dwelling
Bone Regeneration
Top Venues
Journal of morphology
This page only lists publications with an associated author ORCID identifier.
Andréas Jannel
Jay P Nair
Olga Panagiotopoulou
Anthony Romilio
Steven W Salisbury
"Keep your feet on the ground": Simulated range of motion and hind foot posture of the Middle Jurassic sauropod Rhoetosaurus brownei and its implications for sauropod biology.
Journal of morphology
280 (6) (2019)
Matthew C Herne
Alan M Tait
Vera Weisbecker
Michael Hall
Jay P Nair
Michael Cleeland
Steven W Salisbury
A new small-bodied ornithopod (Dinosauria, Ornithischia) from a deep, high-energy Early Cretaceous river of the Australian-Antarctic rift system.
5 (2018)