Publication Activity (10 Years)
Publications (10 Years): 3
Dr von Haunersches Kinderspital Kinderklinik und Kinderpoliklinik der Ludwig Maximilian Universität München
Head of MS-Core Facility (LC-MS Team) :: Div. Metabolic and Nutritional Medicine
Assistant Professor :: Pharmaceutical Institute, Dept. Pharmaceutical (Bio-) Analysis, Reseach Group of Univ.Prof.Dr. M. Lämmerhofer
Senior Postdoc :: Pharmaceutical Institute, Dept. Pharmaceutical (Bio-) Analysis, Reseach Group of Univ.Prof.Dr. M. Lämmerhofer
University Assistant; FFG project "Biomimetic Lignocellulose Pulping" :: Institute of Analytical Chemistry, Department of Mass Spectrometry and Molecular Recognition, Research group of Prof. D. Wolfgang Lindner
Senior Postdoc, FFG funded "Feasibility Study, Lignin-Analytik" :: Institute of Analytical Chemistry, Department of Mass Spectrometry and Molecular Recognition, Research group of Prof. D. Wolfgang Lindner
Postdoc; CD-Laboratory :: Institute of Analytical Chemistry, Department of Mass Spectrometry and Molecular Recognition, Research group of Prof. D. Wolfgang Lindner
Postdoc; ; 6th Framework EU-Project; AIMS - Advanced Interactive Materials by Design; No. NMP3-CT-2004-500160 :: Institute of Analytical Chemistry, Department of Mass Spectrometry and Molecular Recognition, Research group of Prof. D. Wolfgang Lindner
- Emily Newton-Tanzer, Hans Demmelmair, Jeannie Horak, Lesca Holdt, Berthold V Koletzko, Christine Prell