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Jennifer R Kallini
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2020-2023
Publications (10 Years): 2
Top Topics
Image Quality
Pain Management
Positron Emission Tomography
Diffusion Weighted Imaging
Top Venues
The Journal of bone and joint surgery. American volume
This page only lists publications with an associated author ORCID identifier.
Florian Schmaranzer
Pedro G S Justo
Jennifer R Kallini
Mariana G Ferrer
Patricia E Miller
Sarah D Bixby
Eduardo N Novais
Hip Morphology on Post-Reduction MRI Predicts Residual Dysplasia 10 Years After Open or Closed Reduction.
The Journal of bone and joint surgery. American volume
Florian Schmaranzer
Jennifer R Kallini
Patricia E Miller
Young-Jo Kim
Sarah D Bixby
Eduardo N Novais
The Effect of Modality and Landmark Selection on MRI and CT Femoral Torsion Angles.
296 (2) (2020)