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Kerri L Staples
(Kerri Staples)
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2021-2022
Publications (10 Years): 3
Top Topics
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Placebo Controlled
Body Composition
Top Venues
Global advances in health and medicine
Autism research : official journal of the International Society for Autism Research
Journal of autism and developmental disorders
This page only lists publications with an associated author ORCID identifier.
Leah R Ketcheson
Edward Andrew Pitchford
Kerri L Staples
Megan MacDonald
Dale A Ulrich
Supporting the need for the motor domain to be included in the definition of autism spectrum disorder: A response to Bishop et al.'s critique of Bhat (2021).
Autism research : official journal of the International Society for Autism Research
15 (10) (2022)
Leah R Ketcheson
Carissa M Wengrovius
Kerri L Staples
Nancy Miodrag
MYTime: A Mindfulness and Yoga Program to Promote Health Outcomes in Parents of Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Global advances in health and medicine
11 (2022)
Leah R Ketcheson
Kerri L Staples
Edward Andrew Pitchford
Franziska Loetzner
Promoting Positive Health Outcomes in an Urban Community-Based Physical Activity Intervention for Preschool Aged Children on the Autism Spectrum.
Journal of autism and developmental disorders