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Lauren Hovey
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2019-2021
Publications (10 Years): 2
Top Topics
Adverse Drug
Big Data
Electronic Health Record
Phase Ii
Top Venues
JMIR medical informatics
This page only lists publications with an associated author ORCID identifier.
Aldren Gonzales
Scott R Smith
Prashila Dullabh
Lauren Hovey
Krysta Heaney-Huls
Meagan O Robichaud
Roger Boodoo
Potential Uses of Blockchain Technology for Outcomes Research on Opioids.
JMIR medical informatics
9 (8) (2021)
Maysoun Freij
Prashila Dullabh
Sarah Lewis
Scott R Smith
Lauren Hovey
Rina Dhopeshwarkar
Incorporating Social Determinants of Health in Electronic Health Records: Qualitative Study of Current Practices Among Top Vendors.
JMIR medical informatics
7 (2) (2019)