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Lina Schelin
(L Schelin)
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2018-2023
Publications (10 Years): 5
Top Topics
High Intensity
Photodynamic Therapy
Data Analysis
Machine Learning
Top Venues
Sports biomechanics
Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports
This page only lists publications with an associated author ORCID identifier.
Andrew Strong
Jonas L Markström
Lina Schelin
Charlotte K Häger
Asymmetric loading strategies during squats following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: A longitudinal investigation with curve analyses throughout and after rehabilitation.
Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports
Konrad Abramowicz
Alessia Pini
Lina Schelin
Sara Sjöstedt de Luna
Aymeric Stamm
Simone Vantini
Domain selection and familywise error rate for functional data: A unified framework.
Eva Tengman
Lina Schelin
Charlotte K Häger
Angle-specific torque profiles of concentric and eccentric thigh muscle strength 20 years after anterior cruciate ligament injury.
Sports biomechanics
Alessia Pini
Jonas L Markström
Lina Schelin
Test-retest reliability measures for curve data: an overview with recommendations and supplementary code.
Sports biomechanics
Jonas L Markström
Lina Schelin
Charlotte K Häger
A novel standardised side hop test reliably evaluates landing mechanics for anterior cruciate ligament reconstructed persons and controls.
Sports biomechanics
20 (2) (2018)