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Makbule Cikrikcioglu
(Makbule Çıkrıkçıoğlu)
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2023-2024
Publications (10 Years): 2
Top Topics
Early Stage
Radiation Induced
Diabetic Rats
Fine Needle Aspiration
Top Venues
International journal of radiation biology
Diagnostic cytopathology
This page only lists publications with an associated author ORCID identifier.
Zühal Özer Şimşek
Serhat Aras
Makbule Cikrikcioglu
Kurşad Nuri Baydili
Mustafa Cortuk
Melatonin as a radioprotective agent against flattening filter and flattening filter-free beam in radiotherapy-induced lung tissue damage.
International journal of radiation biology
Zuhal Kuş Silav
Makbule Cikrikcioglu
Bülent Aydemir
Mehmet Yıldırım
EBUS ROSE-guided cytological evaluations of intrathoracic lesions. Assessments of the pathological material adequacy and the diagnostic efficacy.
Diagnostic cytopathology