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Margret Lepp
Scopus Author ID
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2019-2021
Publications (10 Years): 3
Top Topics
Magnetic Resonance
Quality Improvement
Nursing Students
Top Venues
Scandinavian journal of caring sciences
Journal of advanced nursing
Nursing inquiry
This page only lists publications with an associated author ORCID identifier.
Ingegerd Bergbom
Margret Lepp
Visual arts and drawings to communicate and explore authentic life situations, a data collection method in caring science - a hermeneutic perspective.
Scandinavian journal of caring sciences
Anna Gyberg
Ingela Henoch
Margret Lepp
Kerstin Ulin
Framing healthcare professionals in written adverse events: A discourse analysis.
Nursing inquiry
Henrietta Forsman
Inger Jansson
Janeth Leksell
Margret Lepp
Christina Sundin Andersson
Maria Engström
Jan Nilsson
Clusters of competence: Relationship between self-reported professional competence and achievement on a national examination among graduating nursing students.
Journal of advanced nursing
76 (1) (2019)