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Mark Hart
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2016-2020
Publications (10 Years): 9
Top Topics
Hiv Positive
Systematic Review
Public Health
Top Venues
JMIR public health and surveillance
Journal of medical Internet research
JMIR mHealth and uHealth
JMIR research protocols
This page only lists publications with an associated author ORCID identifier.
Kelsea LeBeau
Cary Carr
Mark Hart
Examination of Gender Stereotypes and Norms in Health-Related Content Posted to Snapchat Discover Channels: Qualitative Content Analysis.
Journal of medical Internet research
22 (3) (2020)
Nichole E Stetten
Kelsea LeBeau
Maria A Aguirre
Alexis B Vogt
Jazmine R Quintana
Alexis R Jennings
Mark Hart
Analyzing the Communication Interchange of Individuals With Disabilities Utilizing Facebook, Discussion Forums, and Chat Rooms: Qualitative Content Analysis of Online Disabilities Support Groups.
JMIR rehabilitation and assistive technologies
6 (2) (2019)
Ryan Lee Romero
Frederick Kates
Mark Hart
Amanda Ojeda
Itai Meirom
Stephen Hardy
Quality of Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Mobile Apps: Evaluation Using the Mobile App Rating Scale (MARS) With Additional Criteria From a Content Expert.
JMIR mHealth and uHealth
7 (10) (2019)
Kelsea LeBeau
Lauren G Huey
Mark Hart
Assessing the Quality of Mobile Apps Used by Occupational Therapists: Evaluation Using the User Version of the Mobile Application Rating Scale.
JMIR mHealth and uHealth
7 (5) (2019)
Mark Hart
Nichole E Stetten
Sabrina Islam
Katherine Pizarro
Twitter and Public Health (Part 2): Qualitative Analysis of How Individual Health Professionals Outside Organizations Use Microblogging to Promote and Disseminate Health-Related Information.
JMIR public health and surveillance
3 (4) (2017)
Shantrel S Canidate
Mark Hart
The Use of Avatar Counseling for HIV/AIDS Health Education: The Examination of Self-Identity in Avatar Preferences.
Journal of medical Internet research
19 (12) (2017)
Mark Hart
Nichole E Stetten
Sabrina Islam
Katherine Pizarro
Twitter and Public Health (Part 1): How Individual Public Health Professionals Use Twitter for Professional Development.
JMIR public health and surveillance
3 (3) (2017)
Deepthi Satheesa Varma
Mark Hart
Denise Sonya McIntyre
Evan Kwiatkowski
Linda Bauer Cottler
A Research Protocol to Test the Effectiveness of Text Messaging and Reminder Calls to Increase Service Use Referrals in a Community Engagement Program.
JMIR research protocols
5 (2) (2016)
Mark Hart
Nichole E Stetten
Gail Castañeda
Considerations for Public Health Organizations Attempting to Implement a Social Media Presence: A Qualitative Study.
JMIR public health and surveillance
2 (1) (2016)