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Mercedes Fernández Liporace
(Mercedes Fernández-Liporace)
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2023-2024
Publications (10 Years): 2
Top Topics
Psychometric Properties
Mental Illness
Top Venues
The Spanish journal of psychology
Early intervention in psychiatry
This page only lists publications with an associated author ORCID identifier.
Franco Tisocco
Finiki Nearchou
Eilis Hennessy
Mercedes Fernández Liporace
The peer mental health stigmatization scale-revised (PMHSS-R): Psychometric properties and cross-cultural factorial invariance in university students in Ireland and Argentina.
Early intervention in psychiatry
Agustín Freiberg-Hoffmann
Agustín Romero-Medina
Beatriz López-Fernández
Mercedes Fernández Liporace
Learning Approaches: Cross-Cultural Differences (Spain-Argentina) and Academic Achievement in College Students.
The Spanish journal of psychology
26 (2023)