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Miguel P Batista
(Miguel Baptista)
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2022-2024
Publications (10 Years): 4
Top Topics
Tissue Engineering
Mass Spectrometry
Ms Ms
Wound Healing
Top Venues
Marine drugs
This page only lists publications with an associated author ORCID identifier.
Miguel P Batista
Baldur Schroeter
Naiara Fernández
Frédéric Bustos Gaspar
Maria do Rosário Bronze
Ana Rita Cruz Duarte
Pavel Gurikov
A Novel Collagen Aerogel with Relevant Features for Topical Biomedical Applications.
89 (7) (2024)
Miguel P Batista
Baldur Schroeter
Naiara Fernández
Frédéric Bustos Gaspar
Maria do Rosário Bronze
Ana Rita Cruz Duarte
Pavel Gurikov
A Novel Collagen Aerogel with Relevant Features for Topical Biomedical Applications.
Miguel P Batista
Baldur Schroeter
Naiara Fernández
Frédéric Bustos Gaspar
Maria do Rosário Bronze
Ana Rita Cruz Duarte
Pavel Gurikov
A Novel Collagen Aerogel with Relevant Features for Topical Biomedical Applications.
89 (7) (2024)
Miguel P Batista
Ana Catarina Braga
Rui Rosa
Pedro Reis Costa
Does Ocean Sunfish Mola spp. (Tetraodontiformes: Molidae) Represent a Risk for Tetrodotoxin Poisoning in the Portuguese Coast?
Marine drugs
20 (10) (2022)