Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2016-2024
Publications (10 Years): 27
Publications (10 Years): 27
- Ann Livingstone, April Murphy, Jessica Bucholc, Lidia Engel, Katherine Lane, Danielle Spence, Nicola McCaffrey
- Ann Livingstone, April Murphy, Jessica Bucholc, Lidia Engel, Katherine Lane, Danielle Spence, Nicola McCaffrey
- Nicola McCaffrey, Victoria M White, Lidia Engel, Cathrine Mihalopolous, Liliana Orellana, Patricia M Livingston, Christine Louise Paul, Sanchia Aranda, Daswin De Silva, Jessica Bucholc, Alison M Hutchinson, Anna Steiner, Julie Ratcliffe, Katherine Lane, Danielle Spence, Todd Harper, Ann Livingstone, Elizabeth Fradgley, Claire Louise Hutchinson
- Ann Livingstone, April Murphy, Jessica Bucholc, Lidia Engel, Katherine Lane, Danielle Spence, Nicola McCaffrey
- Ann Livingstone, April Murphy, Jessica Bucholc, Lidia Engel, Katherine Lane, Danielle Spence, Nicola McCaffrey
- Ann Livingstone, April Murphy, Jessica Bucholc, Lidia Engel, Katherine Lane, Danielle Spence, Nicola McCaffrey
- Nicola McCaffrey, Victoria M White, Lidia Engel, Cathrine Mihalopolous, Liliana Orellana, Patricia M Livingston, Christine Louise Paul, Sanchia Aranda, Daswin De Silva, Jessica Bucholc, Alison M Hutchinson, Anna Steiner, Julie Ratcliffe, Katherine Lane, Danielle Spence, Todd Harper, Ann Livingstone, Elizabeth Fradgley, Claire Louise Hutchinson
- Nicola McCaffrey, Seong Leang Cheah, Tim Luckett, Jane L Phillips, Meera Agar, Patricia M Davidson, Frances Boyle, Tim Shaw, David C Currow, Melanie Lovell
- Jessica Tsuann Lee, David Currow, Melanie Lovell, Jane L Phillips, Andrew McLachlan, Megan Ritchie, Linda Brown, Belinda Fazekas, Rajesh Aggarwal, Davinia Seah, Caitlin Sheehan, Richard Chye, Beverly Noble, Nicola McCaffrey, Ghauri Aggarwal, Rachel George, Marian Kow, Chadi Ayoub, Anthony Linton, Christine Sanderson, Dipti Mittal, Angela Rao, Grace Prael, Katalin Urban, Priyanka Vandersman, Meera Agar
- Jessica Bucholc, Nicola McCaffrey, Anna Ugalde, Anne Muldowney, Stacey E Rand, Renske J Hoefman, Cathrine Mihalopolous, Lidia EngelHow well do the adult social care outcomes toolkit for carers, carer experience scale and care-related quality of life capture aspects of quality of life important to informal carers in Australia? Quality of life research : an international journal of quality of life aspects of treatment, care and rehabilitation (2023)
- Nicola McCaffrey, Julie Ratcliffe, David Currow, Lidia Engel, Claire Hutchinson
- Nicola McCaffrey, Seong Leang Cheah, Tim Luckett, Jane L Phillips, Meera Agar, Patricia M Davidson, Frances Boyle, Tim Shaw, David C Currow, Melanie Lovell
- Nicola McCaffrey, Seong Leang Cheah, Tim Luckett, Jane L Phillips, Meera Agar, Patricia M Davidson, Frances Boyle, Tim Shaw, David C Currow, Melanie Lovell
- Jessica Tsuann Lee, David Currow, Melanie Lovell, Jane L Phillips, Andrew McLachlan, Megan Ritchie, Linda Brown, Belinda Fazekas, Rajesh Aggarwal, Davinia Seah, Caitlin Sheehan, Richard Chye, Beverly Noble, Nicola McCaffrey, Ghauri Aggarwal, Rachel George, Marian Kow, Chadi Ayoub, Anthony Linton, Christine Sanderson, Dipti Mittal, Angela Rao, Grace Prael, Katalin Urban, Priyanka Vandersman, Meera Agar
- Nicola McCaffrey, Seong Leang Cheah, Tim Luckett, Jane L Phillips, Meera Agar, Patricia M Davidson, Frances Boyle, Tim Shaw, David C Currow, Melanie Lovell
- Jessica Tsuann Lee, David Currow, Melanie Lovell, Jane L Phillips, Andrew McLachlan, Megan Ritchie, Linda Brown, Belinda Fazekas, Rajesh Aggarwal, Davinia Seah, Caitlin Sheehan, Richard Chye, Beverly Noble, Nicola McCaffrey, Ghauri Aggarwal, Rachel George, Marian Kow, Chadi Ayoub, Anthony Linton, Christine Sanderson, Dipti Mittal, Angela Rao, Grace Prael, Katalin Urban, Priyanka Vandersman, Meera Agar
- Nicola McCaffrey, Jessica Bucholc, Leo Ng, Kevin Chai, Ann Livingstone, April Murphy, Louisa G Gordon
- Nicola McCaffrey, Lidia Engel
- Nicola McCaffrey, Julie Higgins, Anita Lal
- Nicola McCaffrey, Michelle Scollo, Emma Dean, Sarah L White
- Lidia Engel, Stacey Rand, Renske Hoefman, Jessica Bucholc, Cathrine Mihalopolous, Anne Muldowney, Anna Ugalde, Nicola McCaffreyMeasuring Carer Outcomes in an Economic Evaluation: A Content Comparison of the Adult Social Care Outcomes Toolkit for Carers, Carer Experience Scale, and Care-Related Quality of Life Using Exploratory Factor Analysis. Medical decision making : an international journal of the Society for Medical Decision Making 40 (7) (2020)
- Nicola McCaffrey, Tegan Asser, Belinda Fazekas, Wendy Muircroft, Meera Agar, Katherine Clark, Simon Eckermann, Jessica Lee, Rohit Joshi, Peter Allcroft, Caitlin Sheehan, David C Currow
- Nicola McCaffrey, Thomas Flint, Billingsley Kaambwa, Belinda Fazekas, Debra Rowett, David C Currow, Janet Hardy, Meera R Agar, Steve Quinn, Simon Eckermann
- Gareth J Watts, Katherine Clark, Meera Agar, Patricia M Davidson, Christine McDonald, Lawrence T Lam, Dimitar Sajkov, Nicola McCaffrey, Matthew Doogue, Amy P Abernethy, David C Currow, null null
- Nicola McCaffrey, Billingsley Kaambwa, David C Currow, Julie Ratcliffe
- Nicola McCaffrey, Hareth Al-Janabi, David Currow, Renske Hoefman, Julie Ratcliffe