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Nrupa Jani
(Nrupa Jani Tulsani)
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2021-2023
Publications (10 Years): 2
Top Topics
Mental Illness
Adipose Tissue
Hiv Positive
Glycemic Control
Top Venues
Journal of medical Internet research
PloS one
This page only lists publications with an associated author ORCID identifier.
Martha Silva
Udochisom C Anaba
Nrupa Jani
Pooja Sripad
Jonathan Walker
Adolor Aisiri
Gender-Based Violence Narratives in Internet-Based Conversations in Nigeria: Social Listening Study.
Journal of medical Internet research
25 (2023)
Nrupa Jani
Sanyukta Mathur
Catherine Kahabuka
Neema Makyao
Nanlesta Pilgrim
Relationship dynamics and anticipated stigma: Key considerations for PrEP use among Tanzanian adolescent girls and young women and male partners.
PloS one
16 (2) (2021)