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Pedro Jose Delgado
(Pedro J Delgado)
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2021-2023
Publications (10 Years): 5
Top Topics
Chronic Pain
Diffusion Weighted Imaging
High Resolution
Living Cells
Top Venues
Journal of wrist surgery
Revista brasileira de ortopedia
This page only lists publications with an associated author ORCID identifier.
Ricardo Kaempf de Oliveira
João Pedro Farina Brunelli
Márcio Aurelio Aita
Ezequiel Ernesto Zaidenberg
Pedro Jose Delgado
The "Bubble Test" in the Arthroscopic Diagnosis of Triangular Fibrocartilage Central Lesion: Description and Relevance to Treatment.
Journal of wrist surgery
13 (2) (2023)
Ricardo Kaempf de Oliveira
João Pedro Farina Brunelli
Márcio Aurelio Aita
Ezequiel Ernesto Zaidenberg
Pedro Jose Delgado
The "Bubble Test" in the Arthroscopic Diagnosis of Triangular Fibrocartilage Central Lesion: Description and Relevance to Treatment.
Journal of wrist surgery
13 (2) (2023)
Ricardo Kaempf de Oliveira
João Pedro Farina Brunelli
Márcio Aurelio Aita
Ezequiel Ernesto Zaidenberg
Pedro Jose Delgado
The "Bubble Test" in the Arthroscopic Diagnosis of Triangular Fibrocartilage Central Lesion: Description and Relevance to Treatment.
Journal of wrist surgery
13 (2) (2023)
Ricardo Kaempf de Oliveira
João Pedro Farina Brunelli
Márcio Aurelio Aita
Pedro Jose Delgado
Francisco Soldado
Enrique Vergara
Bilobed Flap in Hand Clinodactyly Reconstruction: Technique Description and Result Appraisal.
Revista brasileira de ortopedia
57 (4) (2021)
Márcio Aurelio Aita
Ricardo Kaempf de Oliveira
Bruno Gianordoli Biondi
João Pedro Farina Brunelli
Gustavo Mantovanni Ruggiero
Pedro Jose Delgado
Intramedullary Fixation with Headless Screws versus Bouquet in Unstable Metacarpal Neck Fractures in Active Patients: A Randomized Study.
Revista brasileira de ortopedia
56 (6) (2021)