Petra A Custers
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2022-2022
Publications (10 Years): 3
Publications (10 Years): 3
- Petra A Custers, Britt J P Hupkens, Brechtje A Grotenhuis, Koert F D Kuhlmann, Stephanie O Breukink, Geerard L O Beets, Jarno Melenhorst, null null
- Petra A Custers, Monique Maas, Doenja M J Lambregts, Regina G H Beets-Tan, Geerard L O Beets, Femke P Peters, Corrie A M Marijnen, Monique E van Leerdam, Inge L Huibregtse, Baukelien van Triest
- Petra A Custers, Geerard L O Beets, Jarno MelenhorstResponse to the comment on 'Selected stage IV rectal cancer patients managed by the watch-and-wait approach after pelvic radiotherapy: a good alternative to total mesorectal excision surgery?' Colorectal disease : the official journal of the Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain and Ireland 24 (7) (2022)