Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2018-2019
Publications (10 Years): 4
Publications (10 Years): 4
University of Copenhagen
Paul Scherrer Institut (PHD)
Affiliation History
University of Copenhagen
Research Assistant :: NanoGeo
University of Copenhagen
Research Assistant :: Core Facility for Integrated Microscopy
University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
Research Assistant :: Electron Microscopy Group
Education History
Paul Scherrer Institut
Apr 01 2015
PHD :: Neutron Imaging and Activation Group (NIAG)
- Markus Strobl, Jacopo Valsecchi, Ralph P Harti, P Trtik, Anders Kaestner, C Gruenzweig, E Polatidis, J Capek
- Ralph P Harti, M Strobl, M Morgano, J Valsecchi, C Grünzweig
- Ralph P Harti, J Valsecchi, P Trtik, D Mannes, C Carminati, Markus Strobl, J Plomp, C P Duif, C Grünzweig
- Ralph P Harti, Markus Strobl, Rudolf Schäfer, Nikolay Kardjilov, Anton S Tremsin, Christian Grünzweig