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C Ross Hatton
(Ross Hatton)
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2023-2024
Publications (10 Years): 2
Top Topics
Physical Activity
Mental Illness
Mental Health
Coronavirus Disease
Top Venues
Journal of public health management and practice : JPHMP
Journal of healthy eating and active living
This page only lists publications with an associated author ORCID identifier.
Catherine K Ettman
C Ross Hatton
Brian C Castrucci
Sandro Galea
Mental Health and Mental Health Care Utilization Across Political Affiliation in U.S. Adults.
Journal of public health management and practice : JPHMP
Nan Dou
Alysse J Kowalski
Hannah Lane
C Ross Hatton
Maureen M Black
Erin R Hager
Perceptions of Parental Support for Physical Activity and Healthy Eating among School-age Children During COVID-19 pandemic.
Journal of healthy eating and active living
3 (2) (2023)