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Sahithi Boggavarapu
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2015-2016
Publications (10 Years): 1
Top Topics
Men Who Have Sex With Men
Dendritic Cells
Clinical Trial
Hiv Positive
Top Venues
JMIR public health and surveillance
JMIR research protocols
This page only lists publications with an associated author ORCID identifier.
Joanne Michelle F Ocampo
J C Smart
Adam Allston
Reshma Bhattacharjee
Sahithi Boggavarapu
Sharon Carter
Amanda D Castel
Jeff Collmann
Colin Flynn
Auntre D Hamp
Diana Jordan
Seble G Kassaye
Michael Kharfen
Garret R Lum
Raghu Pemmaraju
Anne Rhodes
Jeff Stover
Mary A Young
Improving HIV Surveillance Data for Public Health Action in Washington, DC: A Novel Multiorganizational Data-Sharing Method.
JMIR public health and surveillance
2 (1) (2016)
Paula M Frew
Saad B Omer
Kimberly Parker
Marcus Bolton
Jay T Schamel
Eve Shapiro
Lauren Owens
Diane Saint-Victor
Sahithi Boggavarapu
Nikia Braxton
Matthew Archibald
Ameeta Shivdas Kalokhe
Takeia Horton
Christin M Root
Vincent L Fenimore
Aaron M Anderson
Delivering a "dose of hope": a faith-based program to increase older african americans' participation in clinical trials.
JMIR research protocols
4 (2) (2015)