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Veysi Hakan Yardimci
(Veysi Hakan Yardımcı)
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2018-2021
Publications (10 Years): 3
Top Topics
Postoperative Pain
Locally Advanced
Radiation Therapy
Gram Negative
Top Venues
International journal of clinical practice
Turkish journal of surgery
Lasers in surgery and medicine
This page only lists publications with an associated author ORCID identifier.
Veysi Hakan Yardimci
Less postoperative pain and more frequent recurrence: Can this dilemma caused by the stapled haemorrhoidopexy procedure be avoided?
International journal of clinical practice
Veysi Hakan Yardimci
Outcomes of Two Treatments for Uncomplicated Pilonidal Sinus Disease: Karydakis Flap Procedure and Sinus Tract Ablation Procedure Using a 1,470 nm Diode Laser Combined With Pit Excision.
Lasers in surgery and medicine
52 (9) (2020)
Veysi Hakan Yardimci
Aytul Hande Yardimci
Is appendectomy always adequate for treatment?: Clinical manifestations of isolated actinomycosis in the appendix.
Turkish journal of surgery