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Xiangmei Ma
(Yin Bun Cheung)
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2022-2024
Publications (10 Years): 5
Top Topics
Study Protocol
Clinical Trial
Infectious Diseases
Data Analysis
Top Venues
Statistics in medicine
Journal of biopharmaceutical statistics
This page only lists publications with an associated author ORCID identifier.
Xiangmei Ma
Xiangmei Ma
Kwok Fai Lam
Chee Fu Yung
Paul Milligan
Estimation of trajectory of protective efficacy in infectious disease prevention trials using recurrent event times.
Statistics in medicine
43 (9) (2024)
Xiangmei Ma
Xiangmei Ma
Kwok Fai Lam
Chee Fu Yung
Paul Milligan
Estimation of trajectory of protective efficacy in infectious disease prevention trials using recurrent event times.
Statistics in medicine
Xiangmei Ma
Xiangmei Ma
Kwok Fai Lam
Chee Fu Yung
Paul Milligan
Estimation of trajectory of protective efficacy in infectious disease prevention trials using recurrent event times.
Statistics in medicine
43 (9) (2024)
Xiangmei Ma
Xiangmei Ma
Novel 3-arm wait-list controlled trial designs together with mixed-effects analysis improve precision of treatment effect estimators.
Journal of biopharmaceutical statistics
Xiangmei Ma
Xiangmei Ma
Kwok Fai Lam
Chee Fu Yung
Paul Milligan
Modelling non-linear patterns of time-varying intervention effects on recurrent events in infectious disease prevention studies.
Journal of biopharmaceutical statistics