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Yoon Jung Kim
(Y J Kim)
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2023-2023
Publications (10 Years): 3
Top Topics
Postoperative Pain
Heart Rate
Ultrasound Guided
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
Top Venues
Journal of Korean medical science
This page only lists publications with an associated author ORCID identifier.
Hyun-Kyu Yoon
Yoon Jung Kim
H S Lee
J-H Seo
Hee Soo Kim
A randomised controlled trial of the analgesia nociception index for intra-operative remifentanil dose and pain after gynaecological laparotomy.
Yoon Jung Kim
Hee-Pyoung Park
Hee Seung Kim
Sanghon Park
Preoperative Prognostic Nutritional Index Is a Prognostic Indicator of Cancer-Specific Survival in Patients Undergoing Endometrial Cancer Surgery.
Journal of Korean medical science
38 (21) (2023)
Yoon Jung Kim
Hee-Pyoung Park
Hee Seung Kim
Sanghon Park
Erratum: Correction of Affiliations in the Article "Preoperative Prognostic Nutritional Index Is a Prognostic Indicator of Cancer-Specific Survival in Patients Undergoing Endometrial Cancer Surgery".
Journal of Korean medical science
38 (44) (2023)