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Yu Jin Kwak
(Yujin Kwak, Yu-Jin Kwak)
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2019-2020
Publications (10 Years): 3
Top Topics
Congenital Heart Disease
Mitral Valve
Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension
Cardiac Surgery
Top Venues
The Korean journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery
Korean journal of radiology
This page only lists publications with an associated author ORCID identifier.
Ju Gang Nam
Whal Lee
Baren Jeong
Eun Ah Park
Ji Yeon Lim
Yu Jin Kwak
Hong Gook Lim
Three-Dimensional Printing of Congenital Heart Disease Models for Cardiac Surgery Simulation: Evaluation of Surgical Skill Improvement among Inexperienced Cardiothoracic Surgeons.
Korean journal of radiology
22 (5) (2020)
Yu Jin Kwak
Samina Park
Chang Hyun Kang
Young Tae Kim
In Kyu Park
Development of Castleman Disease in the Paravertebral Space Mimicking a Neurogenic Tumor.
The Korean journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery
52 (1) (2019)
Yu Jin Kwak
Hyuk Ahn
Jae Woong Choi
Kyung-Hwan Kim
Long-Term Results of the Leaflet Extension Technique for Rheumatic Aortic Regurgitation: A 20-Year Follow-up.
The Korean journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery
52 (1) (2019)